
Notosaurios de Guadalajara en el 69th Annual Meeting de la SVP

Durante los días 23 a 26 de Septiembre se celebró en la ciudad de Bristol el 69th Annual Meeting Society of Vertebrate Paleontology y el 57th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy (SVPCA). El miércoles 23 se presentó a la comunidad científica presente en esta reunión, el yacimiento de reptiles marinos de "El Atance" (Guadalajara). En este yacimiento se han hallado los primeros restos articulados del notosaurio Simosaurus en la Península Ibérica.

Referencia: Quesada, J., Pérez García, A., Ortega, F., Escaso, F. & Sánchez Chillón, B. (2009) Simosaurus (Nothosauria) fossil site: a new spanish window to the Upper Triassic. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29 (Supplement to 3): 168A.

Tomado del texto introductorio:

"Tethys coast were extensive composed by evaporitic plains, in which were generated the Keuper facies, during the Upper Triassic. Sauropterygians, mainly represented by fragmentary remains attributed to Nothosaurinae, are relatively frequents in these facies in the Western Iberian Range record. In this context was recently discovered the singular fossil site of “El Atance” (Sigüenza, Guadalajara, Spain). The “El Atance” quarry is composed by a succession of marly, sandy-marly and sandy beds, with centimetric and decimetric thicks, deposited in a shallow marine environment. The marly beds have yielded two different eosauropterygians Nothosauria."

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