
Nuevos datos sobre el holotipo de Paludidraco multidentatus en el 7th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting

Miembros del Grupo de Biología Evolutiva de la UNED han presentado durante el 7th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting, celebrado en la ciudad de Maastricht (Holanda) durante los días 12 al 15 de septiembre de 2024, el trabajo titulado “New data on the holotype of the bizarre eosauropterygian Paludidraco multidentatus (Nothosauroidea, Simosauridae)”. En esta comunicación, se han presentado los resultados correspondientes al reciente trabajo publicado en Palaeontologia Electronica sobre la anatomía postcraneal del sauropterigio español Paludidraco multidentatus. A continuación, os dejamos el resumen perteneciente a este trabajo:

Simosauridae is an eosauropterygian clade known by two representatives: Simosaurus gaillardoti, from the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) of France and Germany, and Paludidraco multidentatus, from the Carnian (Upper Triassic) of Spain. However, the fossil record of this clade is relatively abundant, being mostly represented by isolated cranial and postcranial material, which ranges from the uppermost Anisian or the lowermost Ladinian of the Middle East to the Carnian of Europe. Therefore, the clade is considered as exclusive of the western region of the Paleotethys. Information about the postcranial anatomy of the group is mostly restricted to that corresponding to S. gaillardoti, even though the holotype of P. multidentatus preserves a large part of its postcranial skeleton, very well preserved. Thus, a detailed description of this bizarre taxon has not been performed so far. We provide a comprehensive description of the postcranium of the holotype of P. multidentatus, which has been carefully prepared for this study. The detailed comparative study with the postcranial skeleton of S. gaillardoti allows us to improve knowledge about it, as well as about Simosauridae in relation to other sauropterygian clades.

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