
Variabilidad intraoospecífica de Fusioolithus baghensis en las XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP

El tema de la variabilidad intraoospecífica de Fusioolithus baghensis se ha abordado en la SEP 2024 con el trabajo “A comparison between the Fusioolithus baghensis titanosaur eggs of Auca Mahuevo (Neuquén, Argentina) and Poyos (Guadalajara, Spain)”. Esta ooespecie se caracteriza por una gran variabilidad en su ornamentación e histoestructura, en coherencia con su gran distribución estratigráfica y En esta ponencia, se han comparado el material de la localidad argentina, famosa por sus restos embrionarios, con el encontrado en el yacimiento de Poyos, al ser la primera el yacimiento con el registro más antiguo conocido de la ooespecie. Esto ha permitido reconocer diferencias entre las cáscaras de ambos yacimientos, a la vez que establecer semejanzas con restos de otras localidades europeas y gondwánicas. Abajo dejamos el resumen:

Fusioolithus baghensis is a widespread ootaxon recorded from the lower Campanian of South America up to the uppermost Maastrichtian of Europe and India. This ootaxon exhibits high variability in its ornamentation and histostructure, with some parameters (e.g., eggshell thickness) a priori exceeding the range expected for a single parent species. Some of the best Fusioolithus baghensis specimens have been found at the mid Campanian Auca Mahuevo site from Neuquén (Argentina), where numerous eggs and clutches, sometimes bearing titanosaur embryos, have been recovered. The late Campanian–early Maastrichtian site of Poyos from Guadalajara (Spain) has also yielded partial eggs and clutches attributable to Fusioolithus baghensis but, while some specimens from Poyos resemble those from Auca Mahuevo, most of them seem to represent the opposing extreme of the variability range of the oospecies in several characters. The eggshell thickness and egg size of the Auca Mahuevo specimens resemble those reported from other Gondwanan sites of India, whereas those from Poyos present the thinnest eggshells and largest eggs reported so far for this ootaxon. The histostructure, as seen in thin section preparations, of the Auca Mahuevo specimens tends to be composed of wider spheroliths with a lower height/width ratio. Spheroliths with this proportion are uncommon in the Poyos eggshells, and most spheroliths present a higher ratio, akin to samples from other European and Indian localities. Specimens from both sites present the typical compactituberculated ornamentation with ridges connecting some nodes of this ootaxon, although the Auca Mahuevo eggshells present slightly wider nodes and the Poyos eggshells have more marked, often wider internodal spaces. Given the extensive geographical and chronological distribution of Fusioolithus baghensis, the aforementioned differences could be related to the oospecies being laid by several, closely related productor titanosaur taxa across Gondwana and Europe at the end of the Cretaceous.

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