
Paleoneurología de ornitópodos estiracosternos de Morella en las XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP

Los ornitópodos estiracosternos de la Formación Arcillas de Morella también tuvieron su protagonismo en la sesión de Paleo3D que se celebró durante el desarrollo de las XXXIX Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología celebradas en A Coruña. En este sentido la aplicación de técnicas de tomografía computarizada y el posterior modelado en tres dimensiones permitieron acceder al interior de la cavidad endocraneana de uno basicráneos hallados en el yacimiento localizado en el área denominada Mas de Sabaté (Cantera del Mas de la Parreta de Morella) CMP-MS-05. En la comunicación presentada en el congreso se describieron distintas regiones de este endrocráneo, como los hemisferios cerebrales, los bulbos olfatorios, además de el oído interno. Estas estructuras se compararon con las ya conocidas de otros ejemplares de la Formación Arcillas de Morella junto con al de otras formas de ornitópodos. Los resultados obtenidos aportan información relevante sobre distintos aspectos paleontológicos de este grupo de dinosaurios comedores de vegetación. Aquí va el resumen:

We describe the cavities of the neurocranium of a new basal styracosternan ornithopod from the Mas de Sabaté quarry, a rich fossiliferous locality from the upper Barremian Arcillas de Morella Formation (Morella, Castellón, Spain). The neurocranium was scanned applying computed tomography techniques (CAT-scan), which enabled access to new endocranial anatomical information. A 3D model was generated to virtually reconstruct the morphology of the braincase and its internal cavities. As the neurocranium was complete and well-preserved we were able to obtain a very detailed endocast for this specimen. The olfactory bulbs and tracts (cranial nerve I), cerebral hemispheres, pituitary body, dural peak, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata were identified. Also, a partial inner ear, most of the cranial nerves and main blood vessels like the internal carotid artery or the caudal middle cerebral vein were also identified and reconstructed. In addition, this endocast model was compared with those of other styracosternan specimens from Morella, all of them displaying notable differences in the general shape of the encephalic mass, with the new one being more slender, the size of its dural peak very pronounced (not only compared with the other Morella specimens but also with other ornithopods) and with different relative position of several cranial nerves and differences in morphology and size of the inner ear semicircular canals. These noticeable differences in their endocasts suggest that the specimens from Morella possibly belonged to different taxa and that they might have occupied different ecological niches.

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